1. Who does Snoopy quaff a few root beers with every Veterans Day?
[Bill Mauldin]
2. Where can you see War and Peace,
a Cast of Thousands, the parting of the
Red Sea, and Rhett walking out on Scarlett?
[Snoopy’s Pawpet Show (or Pawpet Theater)]
3. This alter ego duelled Lucy at arm wrestling on even terms.
[The Masked Marvel]
4. Charlie Brown and Linus tracked down this football fiend by following his
footprints in the new-fallen snow.
[The Mad Punter]
5. This is a conditioned reflex that Snoopy’s been able to do for years,
but once he lost his picture.
[The Cheshire Beagle]
6. He beat the Americans, the Russians, and even the stupid cat who lives
next door! At what?
[Getting to the moon]
7. Snoopy could never be a real one of these because he’d be too embarrassed
to squeeze girls.
[A big snake]
8. How did Snoopy prove to Linus that he was a real hockey player?
[He showed him his many missing teeth]
9. Every year he comes up with a better entrance!
[The Easter Beagle]