Peppermint Patty trivia quiz

1a. Which parent does Peppermint Patty talk about all the time?
1b. What is this parent’s pet name for her?

2a. Peppermint Patty once entered a competition for which she obtained a sequined dress and a wig. What competition was it?
2b. Why did she get the wig and what did she eventually do with it?

3a. The title of one comic collection is Don’t Hassle Me With Your Sighs, Chuck! What was the occasion of this remark?
3b. What happened to Peppermint Patty’s mood ring?

4a. When Peppermint Patty debuted in the strip, a common friend of her and Charlie Brown introduced them to each other in an effort to help Charlie Brown win some baseball games. Who was this friend?
4b. In the first game that Peppermint Patty played on Charlie Brown’s team, what was the score when she gave up in disgust?

5a. Peppermint Patty once entered a kids’ golf tournament. Who were the two other principal contenders?
5b. Peppermint Patty and Marcie once caddied for two women. What were their names?

6a. Peppermint Patty once stayed in Charlie Brown’s “guest cottage.” What was this guest cottage?
6b. When she asked Charlie Brown what they usually did after dinner and was told that they usually watched TV, she suggested several alternatives—to no avail. State one of her suggestions.

7a. Describe the occasion that Peppermint Patty first saw the little red-haired girl.
7b. Charlie Brown once got a letter from Peppermint Patty that he mistakenly thought was from the little red-haired girl. What had led Peppermint Patty to write this letter?

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