1. What position does Schroeder usually play on the baseball team?
2a. Schroeder once promised to kiss Lucy if she…what?
[Hit a home run]
2b. Has Schroeder ever actually kissed Lucy? If so, when?
[Yes, when she remembered Beethoven’s birthday]
3. Describe a time that Schroeder’s piano was lost or
[Lucy threw it down a sewer
Lucy threw it into a kite-eating tree
it was crushed by a cannon ball that Snoopy and his bird friends fired
4. Schroeder once tried to take up a collection for a Beethoven memorial.
What was the response of (a) Lucy, (b) Violet, (c) Beethoven?
[(a) “Sure, I’d be glad to! Here’s ten thousand dollars!!”
(b) “You’re wasting your time, Schroeder…they’ve
already built a memorial to Stephen Foster!”
(c) He (or rather his bust) smiled at Schroeder
5. Schroeder once quit baseball to concentrate on the piano. What
repercussions did this have?
[Everyone else quit too]
6a. What was Schroeder’s reaction the first time he encountered a real
[He cried]
6b. What is Schroeder’s explanation of how he can play such great pieces
on a toy piano whose keys are just painted on?
[“I practice a lot!”]
7. What was the context of the following quotations?
(a) You could have accomplished the same thing with an autographed
[Explaining Charlie Brown’s feelings of well-being after Sally was
(b) 10, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000,
000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000,
000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000.
[Explaining what he meant by saying the chances he would marry Lucy were
a ‘googol’ to one]
(c) It’s all right…I can play.
[His finger was hurt playing baseball and Charlie Brown asked if he could
still play. To check, he ran home and played the piano.]
(d) Nice catch, “dear-heart”!
[Lucy snapping his catcher’s mask onto his face after he complained about
her calling him “dear-heart”]