Minor character trivia quiz 2 answers

1. You’re probably too old for her.
[Lydia] (9/6/91)

2. On hearing from him, Snoopy fell over backwards, just as he was supposed to.
[Marbles] (9/23/82)

3. Did you know that her dad is in licensing?
[Tapioca Pudding] (9/4/86)

4. She knows a great recipe for angel-food cake with seven-minute frosting.
[Harriet] (5/12/80)

5. Linus cracked a branch off a tree with his blanket to show him that the other kids at camp wouldn’t tease Linus about his blanket more than once.
[Roy] (6/21/66, 6/20/66)

6. She slept outdoors at camp with Sally—on purpose.
[Eudora] (6/16/78, 6/14/78)

7. Snoopy still has her stick.
[Poochie] (12/31/72)

8. He objected to Marcie because he didn’t want to be on the same team as a girl.
[Thibault] (7/30/73)

9. She’s as rare as her name suggests.
[Truffles] (4/1/75)

10. Because of her, Charlie Brown got a used dog.
[Lila] (8/30/68)

11. Peppermint Patty tried to pull the cat suit over his head.
[World War II, the cat next door] (10/25/76, 10/26/76)

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