1. Who is Charlie Brown’s favorite baseball player?
[Joe Shlabotnik] (8/18/63)
2a. What was Charlie Brown trying to do when his teammates shouted at him
to “slide, Charlie Brown, slide!”?
[Steal home] (5/20/60)
2b. How far did he get?
[Less than halfway]
3. The other Peanuts kids often insult Charlie Brown. What insulting
term do they use most frequently?
[Blockhead] (8/7/63)
4. Charlie Brown once had a great camp experience: the girls talked about
him, and he got to go home early. But what was the best thing of all?
[He didn’t have to clean out the grease trap]
5. Frustrated with ink smudges, Charlie Brown started calling his pen-pal
something else. What?
[His pencil-pal]
6. On what holiday does Charlie Brown yearn most desperately for mail?
[Valentine’s Day]
7. For what service did Lucy once charge Charlie Brown $143?
[Showing him slides of all his faults]
8. Who does Charlie Brown caddy for?
9. Charlie Brown was once elected camp president! How did the other kids
address him?
[“Mr. Sack” or “Sack”]