Religion trivia quiz answers

1. Name two situations where the question “Has it ever occurred to you that you might be wrong?” has appeared.
[This was the title of a book by Snoopy on theology (8/9/76); Linus asked the question of a speaker at a fundamentalist summer camp (6/20/80)]

2. “It doesn’t matter what you believe just so you’re sincere!” What particular doctrinal difference was under discussion here?
[Santa Claus versus the Great Pumpkin] (Let’s Face It, Charlie Brown! 10/29/59)

3a. What allegedly happened to the butterfly that landed on Peppermint Patty’s nose?
[It turned into an angel and flew away] (You’re Weird, Sir, 7/20/81)
3b. What message did she have to give to the world?
[If there’s a foul ball behind third base, it’s the shortstop’s play] (You’re Weird, Sir, 7/21/81)

4. “Miss Othmar isn’t much for biblical admonitions.” Such as what?
[But when you are invited, go and sit in the lowest place, so that when your host comes he may say to you, “Friend, go up higher.” … For every one who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. (Luke 14:10-11)] (Don’t Give Up, Charlie Brown, 9/22/68)

5. List three pieces that Linus has had to memorize for Christmas.
[“The star that shone at Bethlehem still shines for us today!” (12/21/58); A voice was heard in Rama, wailing and loud laments; it was Rachel weeping for her children, and refusing all consolation because they were no more (12/17/61); And it came to pass in those days that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed (12/11/60); Matthew Chapter 1 (12/21/69)]

6. “HOW LONG, O LORD?” cried Charlie Brown. What was Lucy’s response?
[“Until cities lie waste without inhabitant, and houses without men, and the land is utterly desolate” (Isaiah 6:11); then, after pulling away the football: “All your life, Charlie Brown, all your life.”] (You’ve Got To Be You, Snoopy, 10/11/70)

7a. “Remember Lot’s wife!” said Linus. What did he mean?
[He was warning Charlie Brown that he would get covered in chalk dust from pounding erasers] (You’ve Got It Made, Snoopy, 2/18/69)
7b. “You sound like Job’s wife.” Who?
[Lucy] (You’ve Got To Be You, Snoopy, 11/1/70)

8a. “I’ve been looking all through the Old Testament, and I’ve found Abel, but I can’t find…” who?
[Ken] (You’ve Got To Be You, Snoopy, 4/24/71)
8b. Regarding false prophets in the Bible: “I think you’re off the hook…I’m almost at the end, and I haven’t run across your name yet.” Whose name?
[Linus’s] (Sing For You Supper, Snoopy, 11/5/77)

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