Minor character trivia quiz 1 answers

1a. What relative does Franklin talk about most frequently?
[His grandfather] (5/23/88)
1b. What relative does Violet talk about most frequently?
[Her dad] (6/21/64)

2. What’s the name of Frieda’s pet?
[Faron] (5/24/61)

3. Who speaks French to Snoopy?
[Marcie (Eudora, also)] (4/21/85, 2/9/79)

4. Who once asked Violet, “How do you gain weight in your hands?”
[Patty (not to be confused with Peppermint Patty of course!)] (1/8/65, 10/23/62)

5. Who once complained about wasting a good haircut?
[Shermy] (9/21/62, 4/10/60)

6. Who did Charlie Brown set Peppermint Patty up with for a Valentine’s Day dance?
[Pigpen] (2/14/80)

7. Who called Marcie “lambcake”?
[Floyd] (7/30/76)

8. Who likes watching Hogan’s Heroes?
[Spike] (7/21/78)

9. Who has a teenage son that looks like the “Pink Panther”?
[Belle] (6/29/76, 6/30/76)

10. Where does the accent go on 5’s last name, 95472?
[On the 4] (11/5/63)

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