Food trivia quiz 2 answers

1. What food does the Peanuts gang hate when it gets soggy?
[Cold cereal] (9/26/65)

2. What, according to Lucy, loses all its flavor when you cut it instead of folding it over?
[A bread and butter sandwich] (1/5/53)

3. Who has Sally described as “that grape jelly person”?
[Tapioca Pudding] (9/12/86)

4a. What delicacy did Snoopy suggest they should serve Spike on his first visit from Needles?
[Eggs Benedict] (8/13/75)

4b. What did Lucy suggest would be more appropriate when she saw Spike’s physique?
[Ten pounds of buffalo steak] (8/13/75)

5. What was Lydia’s reaction when Linus ordered mint chocolate chip ice cream?
[Most older people like vanilla!] (6/13/86)

6. On an airplane flight, Marcie said she would like to offer Schroeder a choice between rack of lamb and beef bordelaise. But she couldn’t. So what did she offer instead?
[A banana] (7/30/80)

7. Knowing that Snoopy likes dollar-sized pancakes, Charlie Brown once made him…what?
[Penny pancakes] (8/6/81)

8. Charlie Brown to Pigpen: “They all look black to me!” What?
[Pigpen’s multicolored gum-drops] (9/14/61)

9. Very few things in life make you feel more foolish than sitting alone on a toboggan in the desert holding…what?
[A tuna casserole] (1/2/86)

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