Doctor! Doctor! answers

1. Who had the awful feeling that he might be an emergency?
[Charlie Brown] (7/7/79)

2. What operation did Marcie grimly predict would lead to hepatitis?
[Ear-piercing] (5/31/74)

3. What did Snoopy wear to cure his arthritis?
[A copper bracelet] (9/14/70)

4. Who had amblyopia?
[Sally] (1/6/66)

5. Who banned a Helen Sweetstory book from the school library?
[Charlie Brown’s pediatrician] (11/6/72)

6. How was Snoopy cured of his fear of things that go bump in the night?
[By Lucy’s psychiatry] (11/26/68)

7. When Marcie finally persuaded Peppermint Patty to go to the doctor to determine why she kept falling asleep in class, what was the diagnosis?
[Unrequited love] (3/13/78)

8. What condition was Snoopy in at the end of World War I?
[He had the flu] (2/19/86)

9. Who were the “sore-arm buddies” and what caused the sore arms?
[Charlie Brown had Little Leaguer’s Elbow and Snoopy had a rabies shot] (4/8/64)

10. Who wants to be a country doctor and to write a syndicated medical column when he grows up?
[Linus] (11/10/59, 1/26/61)

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