Koinonia Team at Stone Hill Church
The Stone Hill Koinonia Team strives to lead the church congregation to strengthen the unity of the
Body under the headship of Jesus Christ, while embracing racial, ethnic, socioeconomic and other
It was founded in 2014, when the church leadership realized that it did not
understand—and needed to understand—why some of the African-Americans
in the congregation were so upset by the
events surrounding the deaths of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown.
Since then, Stone Hill Church has grown increasingly multi-ethnic,
with large numbers of Hispanic, East Asian, South Asian, and Caribbean island
congregants, among others.
The Koinonia Team organizes regular activities, such as
potlucks at Pentecost and New Year’s Eve, and
joint events with Transformation Church.
Multiplicity Conference
Stone Hill Church has partnered with other churches,
especially Central Church
and The Perfecting Church,
to organize the annual Multiplicity Conference.
Blog Posts
Some Past Events
For video recordings of items in italics, please email
- Getting to Know
Our Multi-Ethnic Church: Haiti (April 2024)
- Social Justice, Critical Theory, and Christianity: Are They
Compatible? (Kellen Funk, Jun 10, 2023)
- Japanese-American Internment, Redress, and Racial Atonement
(John Matsui, Nov 12, 2022)
- Hispanic congregants
share their experiences (March 2022)
- A Proud Heritage: the African American Presence and Contribution in the
Sourland Mountain Region and Surrounding Area (Elaine Buck and
Beverly Mills, Feb 2022)
- Anti-Asian Violence (panel discussion, Mar 2021)
- Understanding Princeton’s African American History: A Virtual Tour
(Shirley Satterfield, Feb 2021)
- Combating Injustice and Poverty in Crisis Pregnancies
(Carolyn Gilmore, Jan 2021)
- Prison, Race, and the Gospel: A Conversation
(Charles Richardson and Victoria Thomas, Oct 2020)
- A Pastoral Conversation on the Crisis of Justice in Our Country
(Matthew Ristuccia and Nyron Burke, Jul 2020)
Book and Film Discussions
- Talking About Race, by Isaac Adams (book)
- One Blood, by John M. Perkins (book)
- Emanuel (film about Charleston church shooting)
- The Color of Compromise, by Jemar Tisby (book)
- Woke Church, by Eric Mason (book)
- Divided By Faith, by Michael Emerson and Christian Smith (book)
- The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot (book and film)
- The Hate U Give (film)
- Black Panther (film)